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发布时间:2016-08-17 来源:


国际免疫规划管理者联盟 (IAIM)

The International Association for Immunization Managers (IAIM)

   在过去的十年间,全球常规免疫规划的覆盖率一直保持在80%左右。若要让其余的20%人口也受益于能挽救生命的疫苗,有必要改进国家免疫规划项目的管理。 ( Over the last decade, global routine immunization coverage has stagnated at 80 percent. Improved management of country immunization programs will be critical to reach the last 20 percent of people with the lifesaving vaccines they need.  )

   为此,需要大力加强免疫规划管理者的能力建设,他们是各国负责免疫规划事业的公共卫生专业人员。免疫规划管理者负责管理和整合免疫规划系统的所有要素:疫苗供应链和冷链、开展免疫接种服务、收集数据以便为决策提供依据、监督疫苗的安全性和效用、疾病监测、大众沟通,以及卫生工作者培训。( This means investing in immunization managers, the public health professionals in each country responsible for managing immunization efforts. Immunization managers are responsible for managing and integrating all of the elements of an immunization system: vaccine supply chain and cold chain; provision of immunization services; data collection for decision making; monitoring of vaccine safety and efficacy; disease surveillance; communication with the public; and health worker training. )

   免疫规划管理者的工作能力对于本国能否拓展免疫接种覆盖面十分关键。然而,免疫规划管理者在开展复杂而重要的工作时往往难以获得培训和专业支持。大多数免疫规划管理者都是医生或护士,他们对于流行病有深刻的认知,但是缺乏管理方面的培训。( An immunization manager’s ability to perform their job well is a key determinant of whether their country advances its vaccination coverage. Yet immunization managers too often lack the training and professional support they need to do their complex and invaluable work. Most immunization managers are doctors or nurses who have a sophisticated understanding of epidemiology, but lack managerial training. )

   国际免疫规划管理者联盟(IAIM)是国际上唯一面向免疫规划管理者的专业机构,它给免疫规划管理者提供他们亟需的管理技能和知识,从而在本国扩大免疫接种覆盖面。 ( IAIM, the only international professional association dedicated to immunization managers, provides immunization managers with the management skills and knowledge they need to advance immunization coverage in their countries.  )

   通过下列活动,IAIM 帮助其成员培养宝贵的管理和领导技能:( IAIM helps its members gain valuable management and leadership capacity through the following activities: )

   同行交流:帮助希望了解某一管理主题的免疫规划管理者与了解该主题的某个国外同行建立起联系,安排进行一对一的交流访问。 ( The Peer-to-Peer Exchange Program matches immunization managers who want to learn about a management topic with a counterpart in another country who has experience in that subject area through a one-on-one exchange visit. )

   培训机会:安排免疫规划管理者接受关于管理主题的短期培训,从而填补既往培训的空白。 ( The Training Scholarship Program provides immunization managers the opportunity to take a short course in a management-related topic, thereby filling gaps in their previous training. )

   全球大会:免疫规划管理者和其他免疫规划专业人员汇聚一堂,共同探讨管理问题,分享最佳实践,参加管理技能培训,以及发展同行网络。 ( Global Conferences bring immunization managers and other immunization professionals together to work through management challenges, share best practices, gain managerial training, and build stronger peer networks. )

   区域联合大会:将两个不同区域的免疫规划管理者和免疫规划专业人员召集到一起,以便相互学习。 ( Joint Regional Meetings convene immunization managers and immunization professionals from two regions to learn from each other. )

   在线交流培训班:在线培训活动,培训主题由IAIM成员选定。 ( Informational webinars are online trainings on topics chosen by IAIM members.)

   IAIM 的交互式多语种网站(英语、法语和西班牙语):给成员提供管理指南和工具、最新动态和活动信息以及一个论坛。 ( IAIM’s interactive, multilingual website (English, French and Spanish)  offers members management guidance and tools, news and events, and a discussion forum. )

   IAIM已经成为免疫规划管理者的重要支持资源。自2013年成立以来,IAIM 已经发展成为由100多个国家的200多名成员组成的网络,是全球最大的免疫规划管理者网络。( IAIM’s interactive, multilingual website (English, French and Spanish)  offers members management guidance and tools, news and events, and a discussion forum.)

   欢迎加入我们,以便共同推进全球免疫规划事业。有关更多信息,请访问www.iaimanagers.org ( Join us in closing the gap in worldwide immunization. Learn more at www.iaimanagers.org  )




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